*I know I haven't blogged in awhile but bare with me. I have a lot of ideas, it's just been hard to find the time lately. (this weekend! maybe)
I've been trying to go to step aerobic classes at different YMCAs here in Nashville for the past little bit and I find it unfortunate that it's become so hard to even find them on schedule. That makes me sad cause it is the BEST cardio workout and the funnest, at least for me. That's why I find myself traveling to 3 different Ys throughout the week when gas prices are almost $4 a gallon, not cool! My dear friend Kumar helped point out to me that I spend about $78 extra in gas money a month traveling to all these other Ys. I've played soccer for the majority of my life so I think I enjoy the eye-foot coordination part of step aerobics. The challenging part is when the choreography gets complex while trying to maintain an 8 count beat. No other sport requires and uses the eye-foot coordination like soccer, but step is pretty close. Not to mention that this class not only involves stepping up and down on an adjustable platform, but also performing upper body movements too. Ahha, a little hand-eye coordination going on at the same time. Lastly, your mind stays so involved with the choreography that you don't have a chance to think about the time or how many calories you've burned! We're on the brink of it becoming a past time I feel and that must stop. In a perfect world I could pick out the music too! My favorite music to work out to is usually pop, hip-hop and even rap. I think everybody knows how much easier it is to get a good workout when you've got good music. I can also imagine doing a step class to my favorite rock too. Like a mix of Bloc Party, Gnarls Barkley, the Strokes, CSS, Smashing Pumpkins, AutoVaughn, the Bravery, and lots and lots of Daft Punk, always!...No but really this whole thought process gives me a business idea. It happens and one day I will strike gold in my head dammit! Stayed tuned for more of those and watch this...doesn't it look fun?!? Just a little bit..hahah and it's not really like this at the Y, i wish!